At Putteridge High School we strongly believe in the power of music education and the positive impact that it has on the lives of our students. The National Curriculum states that:
“Music is a universal language that embodies one of the highest forms of creativity. A high- quality music education should engage and inspire pupils to develop a love of music and their talent as musicians, and so increase their self-confidence, creativity and sense of achievement.” (DfE)
We have developed an ambitious and comprehensive curriculum to provide the best musical experiences for our students. There has significant, recent investment in the music department, providing state of the art resources to facilitate efficient, effective and enjoyable music education.
Our wide-ranging extra-curricular offer includes:
Brass Band
Latin Jazz Orchestra
Junior Choir
Senior Choir
Wind Band
Practice rooms are available at break times and lunch times for individuals and small groups to work on their own music. We provide range of performance opportunities throughout the year including concerts and less formal opportunities.
Students have the opportunity to learn a musical instrument with our team of specialist instrumental teachers.
Current instruments include:
French Horn
Tenor Horn
Drum Kit
Bass Guitar
As students develop their musical skills on their chosen instrument, they will be invited to attend one of the extra-curricular musical groups and may be invited to join one of the Luton-wide groups run by Luton Music Service at their music centre.
At Key Stage 4, students have the option to continue their musical studies. We run the EDUQAS GCSE in music which helps students to further develop their musical knowledge and skills through performing, composing and listening.