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Mental Health

At Putteridge, we believe that good mental health is instrumental to maintaining healthy relationships, positive goals and a high expectation for learning. Mental health is a wide term and includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being - it can impact how we assess situations, think, feel and act.. It also helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others, and make healthy choices. Mental health is important at every stage of life, from childhood and adolescence through adulthood. We actively support all pupils in promoting good mental health across our school day. When a student is struggling to maintain good mental health, we have a number of ways to support them in school.


Who can I contact in school if I am worried about my child’s mental health and wellbeing?



  • Pastoral leaders
  • Safeguarding officers
  • School Counsellor
  • Form Tutor


Where can I find out more information about mental health and wellbeing and get support for my young person?






Wellbeing Champions 

Our Wellbeing Champions are currently being established in school. These are students who have worked alongside the School Counsellor in how to spot students displaying signs of anxiety, worries, loneliness or struggling in school. They will support the students they see by giving them a friendly face to talk to and they seek support from the School Counsellor if they need help to support the students. If you think your child would like to sign up then please ask them to see Mrs Jackson in school. 


Top tips 

The best way to support good mental health is to practise good habits all the time. This way, when things happen in life that disrupt our usual way of being, we can cope better with the change. This can be done by; 



Video Library




Healthy Habits


Parent-teen communication


Parent-teen communication


Parent-teen communication


Understanding teenagers 


Understanding teenagers




Mental health 


Mental health 


Mental health 


Mental health 

Channels to Follow


Free Online Learning and Awareness for Parents on Mental Health


Free Parenting Course - the Solihull Approach

Follow the link below and use the code HATTERS.

Mindjurny App

The CHUMS Mindjurny App is a fantastic resource providing pre-recorded workshops to promote positive mental health and wellbeing for children, young people, parents and carers.

Lumi Nova App

Lumi Nova- Get instant access to a fun digital therapy app to help your child self-manage their worries.

NHS funded, free to access for families in Bedfordshire and Luton

Lumi Nova is a NICE recommended digital therapeutic game to support children (7-12 years old) with anxiety.  The offer has been funded by ELFT and is available for families to access independently through our self-sign up pathway.

Counselling Leaflets




 Young Person's Resources











Mental Health & Wellbeing Newsletter


mental health newsletter july 24.pdf