Assessment & Reporting
Our Assessment, Recording and Reporting (ARR) processes ensure that:
- Assessment provides students with information about where they are now, where they are able to get to and how to get there
- Assessment is formative and summative; frequent and robust; based on evidence
- Student progress is effectively tracked through regular, meaningful and accurate assessment
- Data is robust and based upon teacher professional judgment supported by clearly identified assessment tasks that have clear criteria focused on KS3 levels, or KS4 specification objectives
- Parents and carers receive good quality, and regular assessment information, which is easily understood
- Staff receive information that helps to inform their teaching, tutorship and intervention, and identify areas for school development
- Teacher workload is reduced and duplication is avoided
- Recording provides data for tracking and monitoring
- Recorded data is analysed for intervention and mentoring purposes
- Reporting provides truthful information for students and parents that is frequent and meaningful
Reporting to parents - Student Progress Reviews (SPRs) and Consultation Evenings
Parents are kept informed of their child's progress through the termly reporting system known as a Student Progress Review. Teachers are asked to comment on a student's progress towards aspirational targets. The Parent Friendly Calendar shows the frequency and timing of the SPRs.
Parent/Carer Consultation Evenings are held once a year for each year group; this gives parents/carers an opportunity to meet with the subject teachers to discuss how well their child is making progress. Parents/Carers can contact their child's teachers at any time if they wish to discuss progress. Teachers can be contacted by phone via reception or by email, email details can be found here.