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Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

We are pleased to announce we are now a signatory of the Business in the Community Race at Work Charter. Ethnic minorities still face significant disparities in employment and progression, and that is something we need to change. The Charter is composed of seven calls to action for leaders and organisations across all sectors. Signing the Charter means taking practical steps to ensure workplaces are tackling barriers that Black, Asian, Mixed Raced and other ethnically diverse people face in recruitment and progression and that their organisations are representative of British society today.



We are proud to announce that we have been awarded the Gold Race Charter Mark for our commitment to promoting race equality by Fig Tree International Ltd.

DEI Intent

In order for there to be an equitable environment around Putteridge High School, the aim is for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) to be fluidly embedded into the curriculum. It is important for our learners to understand that fairness and impartiality is a driving force. The aim is for us to continue to establish an environment where inclusivity is a norm, especially by allowing for and accommodating all protected characteristics.

Our Commitment

At Putteridge High School we are against discrimination, prejudice and hatred of all forms. Our staff, students and community are committed to ensuring that every protected characteristic is embodied and embedded into our school culture. The aim is to continue to provide an environment which promotes respect, kindness, compassion and empathy. Above all, the aim is to continue to maintain an environment that provides our staff, students and community with a sense of belonging which is intrinsic to their wellbeing, mental health and success.

As a school we have chosen to embed DEI in the following ways:

  • Providing CPDs, training and coaching opportunities to students and staff
  • Developing structures within the school that allows for ‘student voice’ to be heard and responded to, so students’ perception of inequality can be analysed and addressed with our DEI Ambassadors
  • Scheduling and planning in targeted cultural capital through form time and learning
  • Through how the curriculum is developed and taught to our students
  • Building in and celebrating diversity throughout the school
  • Foster an environment where positive attitudes, relationships and a shared sense of cohesion and belonging
  • Close gaps in attainment and achievement between pupils and all groups of pupils

By doing this, it raises the awareness of the need to recognise and respect people’s differences, and ensure all individuals are treated equally and fairly. We want all staff, all students and all visitors at Putteridge High school to have positive and open minded attitudes recognising that DEI is a strength in our society and should be celebrated, valued and respected.



Att10tive workshop with our DEI Ambassadors


As a school we collaborated with Barnfield College and Att10tive Social Enterprise on a student led video to promote Diversity, Equality and Inclusion by making an awareness video to be shared amongst students and stakeholders. You can view the full vide below:



Some of the work we have undertaken in this area include the following

  • Putteridge High School is part of the RACE Charter Mark Community and is consistently working on developing the fluidity of DEI in the schools ethos, community and curriculum
  • Staff training and CPDs
  • Creation of DEI Student Ambassadors
  • Assemblies tacking issues such as racism, islamophobia and kindness to all the protected characteristics
  • Curriculum Development including the strengthening our form time learning
  • Curriculum Review of texts, topics and approaches
  • Participation in National Programmes e.g Att10tive
  • Adaptations to our Uniform Code to include the Halo Code
  • Updating our Behaviour Policy
  • Cross Curricular days focusing on celebrating DEI

With this in mind, our aim is to continue to strive towards ensuring DEI is an exemplary beacon within our school and community.

Multi-Faith Prayer Room

Here at Putteridge High School we are committed to accommodating all. In our multi-faith prayer room students and staff of all religions are welcome to use the space to perform their prayers. Holy books, prayer mats, praying clothes and other items are all provided. Every Friday the boys are led in congregation by our staff in their Jummah Prayers.



DEI Ambassadors

At Putteridge High School we have launched a student leadership initiative with our DEI Ambassadors. The DEI Ambassadors formally meet twice a half term to discuss pertinent issues and take part in workshops tailored to tackling current school issues. The aim is to ensure their fellow students feel supported within the school community. Below are a few picture of our current DEI Ambassadors:


Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie: The danger of a single story:


As is the case with life, the importance of diversity cannot be shied away from. In Adiche’s Ted Talk ‘The Danger of a Single Story’ she candidly explores her lived experiences and the impacts of stereotypes, language and our relationships with the environment and education.


Whilst watching the Ted Talk please consider the following five questions with factoring history and ourselves:

  1. Has someone ever questioned aspects of your identity and made assumptions about you?
  2. Was the assumption positive or negative?
  3. How did the assumption come to light?
  4. How did it make you feel?
  5. How did you respond?


The organisation Facing History and Ourselves offers some valuable resources and talking points on diverse perspectives for teachers, students and parents to think about regarding history and identity.