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GSO Test

Media Studies

The media, as a whole, affects every person in some way or another. Media studies has never held greater global relevance or significance, making its study both exciting and widely applicable to contemporary culture.

More importantly, media is a business which will always affect the messages being conveyed. As mass consumers of media it is essential to understand the way media reflects social and political values which hold unquestioned biases and assumptions. These are worthy of examination to understand media’s subjective nature and why different people can interpret the same media differently. This is what drives the Intent of Media Studies at PHS: To produce literate citizens, skilled in Media Literacy with an understanding of media as a business, constructed with a specific purpose in mind.

Curriculum Documents

Exam Board

Exam Board: Eduqas 

Paper 1: Media Studies Component 1 Exploring Media 

Paper 2: Media Studies Component 2 Understanding Media Forms and Products

Non Examination Assessment: Component 3: Creating a Set Media Product. (Print Magazine for 2021 & 2022)

For more information on the subject and to review the GCSE specification from the exam board please click here

For further information on how to support your child at home, please see our extended learning page.
