Building First Class Futures
Our Curriculum Intent
At Putteridge High School we believe in the importance of an ambitious, language rich curriculum that develops articulate learners. Literacy and oracy skills are integral and are underpinned by the explicit teaching of a rich, varied and technical vocabulary.
Our curriculum engenders independent students who are active readers, effective writers and confident speakers.
Our community school ethos and commitment to British values permeate a curriculum that ensures our students leave us as healthy, respectful citizens who are ready to make their way successfully and safely through their adult lives.
In addition, our curriculum allows students to experience a diverse range of cultures; it makes heard the voices of people of colour and celebrates their achievements.
We enrich our learners with a breadth of knowledge, as well as opportunities and experiences, both in the local community and beyond in order to help them become positive global citizens.
The first class quality of education we provide drives academic and personal excellence; our structured and sequenced curriculum instils our students with limitless aspirations and the skills and knowledge to achieve them.
For further information on our Curriculum intent please contact
Year 9 Options
Please click below information booklet for Year 9 Options.
To view our information leaflet please click here.
To view the SIMS online instruction to select your options please click here.
GCSE Revision Guides
revision guide list 23 24 no prices.pdf