For more information about careers or work related learning, please contact:
Mrs D Kyte - Careers Leader
T: 01582 415791
We are delighted to have achieved the Quality in Careers Standard in September 2023 which fully incorporates the Gatsby Benchmarks. This means that we have been externally assessed and awarded this recognition for our careers education, information, advice and guidance provision.
Careers learning helps young people develop the knowledge, understanding and skills they need to make successful choices and manage transitions in learning and work. Here at Putteridge every effort is made to enable young people to learn about careers and the world of work so that they can manage their own development and make life choices and decisions that will benefit their own wellbeing and contribute to the wellbeing of others. The careers programme is evaluated annually to ensure that we continue to develop the education, information and guidance which is offered to our students.
Important Information
Careers Provision for each Year Group
Unifrog - What is it?
What is CEIAG?
CEIAG stands for Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance and it is a statutory part of our provision for students. At Putteridge, we are committed to working with students, parents and carers to ensure the best life opportunities in the future.
What does the CEIAG offer at each particular Key Stage?
The programme of CEIAG is developed as students progress through the school with every year group receiving some provision to help them on their journey to success. Although all students are provided with independent careers guidance from Year 7 (11-12 year olds) to Year 13 (17-18 year olds) there is a particular focus at the various transition points e.g. in Year 8, when students are making option choices and in Year 11 when students are thinking about life after GCSE.
Please see our CEIAG Policy below, this is due to review in Autumn 2024.
Information for Employers
Raising the Participation Age (RPA)
What is RPA?
The Government has changed the law so that from start of the 2013/14 academic year, all young people were required to continue in education or training until their 18th birthday
The information here will help you to understand what this means for you and your child.
This does not necessarily mean staying in school; young people have a choice about how they continue in education or training post-16, which could be through:
- Full-time study in a school, college or with a training provider.
- Full-time work or volunteering combined with part-time education or training.
- An Apprenticeship (
Why has this changed?
The vast majority of young people already continue in some form of education or training. However, the small group not participating includes some of the most vulnerable. We want to give all young people the opportunity to develop the skills they need for adult life and to achieve their full potential.
What does this mean for me?
The legal requirement to participate is on your son or daughter. This is because we know that, at 16, young people are starting to make – and take responsibility for – the decisions that affect their future. The Government is investing more than ever to provide fully-funded education and training places for all 16-19 year-olds who want to take them.
We know that you will be providing support and guidance to your child as they make these important decisions about their future, but there are also other sources of help.
The law has been changed to make schools responsible for securing independent careers guidance for their pupils in years 8-13. This is because school or college is best placed to secure the advice and support they need to help them decide what option is best for them. Your child can also contact trained advisers for impartial advice at the National Careers Service on 0800 100 900 (open from 8.00am to 10pm, seven days a week) – and they can use the web-chat service by accessing the website at
What happens if my child doesn’t participate?
The law has changed, but there will be no action taken against any young people who don’t participate. We want to encourage your child to participate because of the benefits it will bring. By changing the law, all young people now have the opportunity to access the learning option that’s right for them and improve their long-term prospects.
The local authority is responsible for identifying and supporting 16-18 year olds who are not participating and will be working to ensure that young people are enrolled on a suitable education or training place.
Gatsby Benchmarks
Labour Market Information
STEM Women in Engineering
Further Education Providers
putteridge high school certificate.pdf