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Committed to excellent standards of teaching in partnership with a variety of local and national organisations contributing towards system-wide improvement.

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House & Year System

Our School 

Every student who comes to Putteridge High School is a valued member of the school community. We welcome and pride ourselves on a diverse range of talent, skills, characteristics and high aspirations. We encourage excellence in everything we do and aim to develop First Class students through our broad and structured curriculum, extensive extra-curricular activities and of course, our House and Year system. We promote development of skills outside of the classroom and encourage and embed a healthy hunger for competition within our school family. 

Year Groups 

Each student belongs to a form group with students from the same year. This enables a strong and focused form time curriculum to be delivered based around Citizenship, Well-being and Current Affairs. Each year group will have a Head of Year and Pastoral Leader guiding them through their school journey, supporting and encouraging their pursuit of excellence and above all, monitoring and supporting their well-being. Every member of staff in the school is responsible for fostering integrity, confidence, resilience, creativity, good manners and sensitivity to others within our students. 

House System 

Our year group structure runs alongside our House system. There are four Houses and each student and staff member are allocated to a House led by the Head of House. Each House forms a small community of its own providing another layer of support in our pursuit of excellence and developing First Class students. Through this arrangement every young person is encouraged to participate in House competitions ranging from academic to sporting as well as the Arts. At the end of each year we celebrate House accomplishment and success by awarding the highest scoring House with the prestigious House Cup. 

Rewards At Putteridge High School

Rewards are at the heart of our ethos here at Putteridge High School. We are proud to be able to offer an extensive rewards scheme that focuses on the whole development of the child as well as their academic achievements. 

We have two schemes in place that run alongside each other and to ensure rewards are achievable for all. The Rewards Ladder and The Putteridge High First Class Rewards Scheme. All rewards and achievements will be formally recognised in termly celebration assemblies. NOTE: These may be awarded remotely and given out during form time at present due to Covid-19. 

Putteridge High First Class Reward Scheme (PHFC)

Our PHFC scheme is based on the whole child and their wider educational journey. There is a set of criteria set out below that focuses on developing every aspect of the individual student. All of these aspects are important as they will contribute to their reference when they leave at the end of year 11 and take their first steps into higher education. The criteria are:
  • 98% attendance 
  • No more than 3 lates across the year
  • Less than 5 behaviour points across the year
  • First Class or Good ATL in all lessons 
  • All homework is completed on time for all lessons
If the students manage to hit this criteria each term they are awarded with Bronze, Silver or Gold status and rewarded with a certificate of excellence. They will also be invited to attend a rewards trip. We run four reward trips per year, one for each stage of the scheme Bronze, Silver and Gold and there is a fourth special trip for those who achieve the criteria each term and become a Gold student. 

How can my child achieve house points?

Our students will be awarded a set of points at the end of each term based on their attitude to learning in lesson. Please see the table below for the points attached to each ATL that can be awarded by the teachers.  Our students can also be awarded daily for excellent behaviour, kindness and presentation.

Character Journey

Year 7 Character Journey

Year 8 Character Journey

Year 9 Character Journey

Year 10 Character Journey

Year 11 Character Journey